Sunday, June 24, 2012

Love is Patient

Yesterday I was able to fly back home for my childhood friend, Katelyn's, wedding.  It was a beautiful moment to see the marriage of two people that God had brought together.  

This whole week, love has been on the brain.  One of the most cited verses about love is 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 (illustrated in the infographic above) .... kind of a tall order, yeah?  While the scripture is inspiring and fulfilling, it is also daunting.  Love is all of those things, all the time?  And you're supposed to love the entire world, like that, all of the time?  That's not always easy.  It's hard to measure up to God's expectations for us, since he has set such an exemplary model of abundant love.  

The only place to start is at the beginning, and to remember that love is indeed patient.

This means several things to me. 

1.  It means that the Lord will be patient with me when I make mistakes.
2.  It means that people who love me will be patient with me as I grow and mature.
3.  It means that I will constantly be reminded of the importance of showing patience towards others, as it is a way that I can show love.  

And lastly, it means that love will approach me when I am patient...  which is such a peaceful feeling.


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