Sunday, January 01, 2012

This Is How It Works

Happy New Year!

Life just gets better and better each year... and that is such a beautiful thing. By the time I have gray hair I might be so happy that I actually explode. 

So since it is a new year, it seemed like an appropriate time to explore life. 


 ((  I adore Regina Spektor.


Listen to her music.  ))

Well, without being sappy... here is how I feel about life.  There are 4 things that you have control over:

 & Attitude.

Life is what you believe of it.
Life is how you see it.
Life is what you make of it.
Life is how you approach it.

A blissful balance of reality and optimism is truly a recipe for happiness.

I also believe in constant self-conscientiousness and thus improvement.  Which perfectly segues into the cliche topic of "New Year's Resolutions".

Well, here they are:

1. Be more patient.
2. Prioritize others' needs and feelings more. 
3. Tell the people that mean a lot to me that they mean a lot to me.
4. Go out of my way to be more helpful.
5. Eat less ice cream (I'm going to start making that frozen banana stuff more. It's good and tastes a lot like actual ice cream.  I'll do a blog post on that later)

... Manageable I think. 

Cheers to a fabulous 2012!

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